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How someone came about the idea of coed soccer is beyond me. I know of no other mixture of the sexes in any other physically demanding contact sport. Sorry...coed softball just doesn't compare. Even though on paper one wouldn't think two teams of five men and five women would result in a harmonious outcome, but somehow it all works...given all don't take it too seriously.
I have been an avid soccer player my entire life. Coed games are a lot of fun. The coed team I play on is a diverse mix of talent and say the least. We have twenty-somethings and sixty-somethings...serious talent and alternative talent. No matter how you measure it, it's a great group of folks and not too bad of a team. The team name is Half-fast and we have managed to start of the season with a 4 and 1 record. The most recent game was in Damascus, Oregon in the foothills of the Cascade Range. The backdrop to the field was a gorgeous view of Mt. Hood. In between substitutions, I took a handful of photos of the game. We won 4-1, I got some good shots of my teammates and the post-game beer was mighty tasty.
See the photo gallery of game shots here: Half-fast vs Accuprint Printers Coed Soccer.